privacy Policy - Our Promise

At APS your right to privacy and data security is a concern we hold the highest . Rest assure that we collect only the needed information. When you visit we collect only needed information to provide you with the best and safest experience at APS. Here is a list of what we collect when you visit

* Browser type and version (no personal information is taken).

* The type and version of Operating System you currently use (no personal information is taken from this).

All of this information is taken for the sole purpose of providing a website that is compatible with all software and hardware. This is how we determine any problems with certain software or hardware. No personal information is taken for simply visiting our site. Your name and personal information is only taken during a purchase (necessary for a transaction). Never will we ask you for personal information on our website unless you're making a purchase.

We may ask for you to participate in a survey, in which it is completely your option to participate. Your options are listed in the survey to provide any personal information. It is your right to decline any personal information data collection. Simply select " decline to answer " and no information will be sent about that subject. We respect your rights to privacy and we would never endanger your information to anyone. If you do provide information via a survey or a purchase, rest assure that we would never sell your information to anyone. Your a valued customer and are always first in our company decisions.

Information regarding you (such as name, address and phone number) or your order and the products you purchase will not be given or sold to any outside organization for its use in marketing or solicitation.

APS only uses your personal information for specific purposes.

The information you provide will be kept confidential and used to support your customer relationship with us. Among other things, we want to help you quickly find information on our site and alert you to product upgrades, special offers, updated information and other new products and services from us. Agents of APS who have access to your personal information and prospect information are required to keep the information confidential and not use it for any other purpose than to carry out the services they are performing for APS.

Word of Caution

APS also takes a hard stance on storing/maintaining customer's passwords. APS does not for ANY reason store password information for personal e-mail accounts, websites, customer service centers, computer logins, or account security passwords. Therefore; we are unable to supply you any password information to your accounts. If you feel an agent of APS knows a personal password of yours, please contact us on how to change that password to something else. If for any reason, you need to tell an Agent password(s) it will be the customer's responsibility to change their password(s) after the work of the Agent(s) is completed. You will be presented our "Password Agreement" form if we are ever to know a password(s). Please read over the agreement carefully. The agreement must be signed off by the account holder to continue work.

You can have factual inaccuracies in this information corrected by contacting us. 

Last updated: 05/01/10